Additional Services at UKON
Welcome Center
Practical information about living and working in Konstanz, especially for PhD students arriving from abroad, is available at the university Welcome Center. It assistance on finding an apartment, getting registered officially, opening a bank account, as well as many other practical problems.
Academic Staff Development
The offerings of our graduate school IRTG in many respects are directly oriented towards the scientific and personal needs of our doctoral students in the SFB 1432. Beyond that, the Academic Staff Development of the University of Konstanz offers a wealth of personal coachings and trainings for all researchers and lecturers at the University of Konstanz. Starting from the beginning of a doctorate individual the offers accompany on the entire way towards a professorship, including support on career decisions and developing teaching, leadership, and many further personal skills.
Equal Opportunity Office
For our female researchers, we offer a number of events and services geared toward the advancement of women in close cooperation with the Equal Opportunity Office of the University of Konstanz. In addition to our joint offers, the Equal Opportunity Office provides a wealth of further offers, information and consulting services for female scientists, young families and on diversity.