The goal of the Integrated Research Training Group (IRTG) - Fluctuations and Nonlinearities (FaN) - is to prepare the young researchers of SFB 1432 and the Physics Department for their future career in academia or in the corporate world. Besides a stimulating and challenging research environment, IRTG FaN offers an accompanying scientific and educational training program.

FaNoP FaN over Pizza: lunch seminars for informal exchange and presentation of research topics from PhD to PhD
FaNtrain FaN trainings and workshops on scientific topics and transferable skills
FaNiR FaN in Retreat in presence of peers only
FaNmS scientific days miniSymposia featuring with invited speakers, organized by PhDs
FaNclub PostDocs of all career stages come together for informal exchange on topics related to academic career.
FaNseed PhDs are eligible for seed funding of own research ideas alongside the main research project.

IRTG FaN Certificate & Coins
At the end of the PhD period your engagement in FaN provided a substantial methodological portofolio which expanded the career options. The active participation in the training program will be officially certified.
The successful completion of the training program is documented by 10 FanCoins for the full PhD period.
FaNCoins can be obtained by participation in several activities in the doctoral research program.
More information which courses and activities are eligible for FaNCoins can be found here.