IRTG FaN Certificate & Coins
Besides individual feedback of the supervisor and the doctoral committee (see below) on the scientific aspect of the work, progress of the general training program is monitored via the FaN coin account of the doctoral researchers.
One FaN coin is awarded e.g., for:
- first author publication in a peer-reviewed journal
- participation in a scientific school
- scientific contribution to a conference/symposium/workshop (poster or talk)
- organization of a minisymposium
- organization of a topical dicussion group, the lunch seminar, or the doctoral researchers‘ retreat
- participation in or organization of a „Train your peers“ measure
- successful completion of a special topic course or one oft he courses offered in the framework of ADILT (if an exam is included: 2 FaN coins)
- participation in a transferable skills course
- successful application for seed funding.
To receive the coins, the doctoral researchers notify the IRTG office about their activities at least once a year. The IRTG office documents the accomplished measures in the FaN coin account. A minimum of 10 coins is required to receive the IRTG FaN certificate, which is awarded at the end of the doctoral exam.