
PostDoc Club: Network meeting

Wednesday, 11. October 2023
18:00 - 19:30


SFB 1432 / IRTG FaN / Dr. Davide Bossini


This event is part of an event series „SFB 1432 - FaNclub“.

The FaNclub brings together PostDocs of all career stages for informal exchange. Every evening is dedicated to a topic related to the academic career. After a keynote by an established expert, participants share their questions and experiences with the speaker and their peers. The evening ends with a dinner and talks in small groups - not least an ideal opportunity for  international PostDocs to network and to learn about (university) life in Konstanz. All PostDocs of the Physics Department and of all groups working related to the SFB 1432 are welcome.

Oct 11, 2023, 18:00, P1138: 
Network meeting

Please register by email to Davide Bossini