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FaNtrain: Scientific Graphic Design

23 - 24 January 2024, K7, University of Konstanz

Show, not tell: Communicate your science visually.


Scientific success requires effective communication, and, sometimes, an illustration is worth a thousand words ...

We are pleased to offer again the course specifically targeted at physics Ph.D. students on creating clear and compelling images and scientific posters. You will learn:

  • Essential skills and techniques to design eye-catching and informative illustrations, figures, presentations and posters
  • Advice on color theory, layout, typography, and image selection
  • How to visualize data, processes, and experimental setups

Training with Dipl. Des. Elisabeth Werner from punktweiss 

Elisabeth Werner is a design and communication consultant for science and is a professional trainer for science visualization. 

  • Find and visualize your own key message
  • Get feedback and advice for improvement for examples of your own work from an expert

When: 23.01.24, 13:00 - 17:00 & 24.01.24, 09:00 - 16:00
Where: Seminar room at K7 at UKN

Don't miss out on this opportunity to enhance your scientific communication skills on visuals! Sign up now and let's get designing.

Plus: You can collect FaN Coins for this FaNtrain course, of course!

There are only 12 seats available for this course.