FaNtrain: Self- and Time Management

15 - 16 May 2024, V837, University of Konstanz

Piled higher and deeper? Improve your self- and time management!

We are pleased to offer this very practice-oriented course, which is aimed specifically at doctoral students in physics.

The aim of these two days is to impart skills that go beyond purely scientific work. The focus is on self-, time- and project management. You will learn tools to cope better with your particular environment and the multitude of tasks - the high workload, the need to distinguish between the urgent and the important, and the need to organize and motivate yourselves.

With an introduction to project planning, you will learn how to optimize the structure of your dissertation and other academic work.

Self- and Time Management with Sabine Lerch

Sabine Lerch is an experienced trainer for soft skills in the scientific field.

When: 15 May 2024, 09:30 - 17:30 & 16 May 2024, 09:00 - 17:00
Where: Seminar room V0837 at UKN

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Plus: You can collect a FaN Coin for this FaNtrain course, of course!

There are only 12 seats available for this course.