B01 – Spin shot noise and hybrid noise measurements

Funding period: 2021 – 2024

Project leader: Sebastian T. Goennenwein

Scientific staff: Xianyue Ai, Michaela Lammel, Nadine Nabben, Sebastian Sailer, Luise Siegl, Gregor Skobjin

This project experimentally addresses fluctuation phenomena in spin transport. On the one hand, we intend to measure the shot noise associated with pure spin current flow in magnet/metal heterostructures. We will search for signatures of magnon squeezing, magnon correlation lengths and ultimately magnon condensation in the shot noise, as predicted by theory. On the other hand, we will correlate transverse electrical voltage fluctuations (Hall noise) and magnetization fluctuations in magnetic thin films, aiming to unravel the impact of magnetic exchange coupling and topological effects on magnetotransport noise phenomena.

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