B05 - Space-time imaging of reaction and spin dynamics by ultrafast double-probe electron microscopy

Funding period: 2021 – 2024

Project leader: Peter Baum

Scientific staff: Dr. Yiqi Fang, Daniel Kazenwadel, Joel Kuttruff, David Nabben, Atal Swain

Former members: Yenan Meng, Mikhail Volkov

Ultrafast and ultrasmall dimensions in space and time are decisive for almost any spontaneous change in complex materials. Here we advance ultrafast electron microscopy to the regime where naturally occurring spatiotemporal phenomena can be studied without any dedicated laser excitation. Given electron microscopy’s wide applicability to a large variety of specimen, we hope that this development might become a widespread approach for better understanding fluctuation-driven reaction dynamics in complex materials in which atomic structure, spin and electrodynamics are strongly interlinked.

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